USD 446 will be providing opportunities for free lunch and next day breakfast throughout the summer. No registration or identification is required, and meals are available for FREE to children and teens ages 1-18 (prices for adult meals listed on flyer).
From June 5-29 (Monday-Thursday), lunch (and next day sack breakfast) will be available at the following locations from Noon-12:45:
- ICC West, 2615 West Main Street, Independence
- Public Library 220 E Maple ST (In the Front)
- Eisenhower School 501 Spruce St. (In the Front)
- Elk City Post Office, 123 East Hickory, Elk City
- Independence Community College 1057 W College Ave (By Fab Lab)
Students participating in 6th-8th grade summer school or 9th-12th grade credit recovery in June will also have free breakfast and lunch available at IHS.
From July 17-28 (Monday-Friday), lunch (and next day sack breakfast) will be available at Jefferson School from Noon-12:45. Students participating in K-5th grade Summer Cruise will also have a free breakfast available.