The January Assembly will be on Wednesday, January 8th at 2:00pm

Eisenhower Parent Handbook is Online
Parents can access the Parent Handbook online this year.
Parents can find the student handbook on our website or by following the QR code on the magnet that was in the parent packet passed out at Central Registration.

Contact the office prior to 11:00am if there are dismissal changes on Oct 11 or 12. There will be no Kids Crew or Quest on those days.

Eisenhower Picture Day is tomorrow, September 19th
Forms have been sent home & need to be returned tomorrow with picture money or can be ordered online before or after picture day. There may be shipping charges added if after picture day.
Here is the online order link:

Kindergarten Parents
Be sure to sign up for an appointment to do the 2nd half of the ASQ
Appointments are available from 11am - 6pm, Thursday, August 3

Tomorrow, Tue April 11th is "Ag Day" at Eisenhower.
Students will be outside going to various stations to learn about agriculture from IHS students and community groups.
Please be sure students are wearing appropriate shoes.
This is a combined project with Mrs. Bowen, our science teacher, and the IHS FFA and Agriculture classes.

Bring your best smile!

Second Grade Parents:
Be sure to let your child's teacher know if a grandparent will be visiting during Grand Specials. 2nd grade teachers sent home notes with times and additional information.

Spring Picture Day is Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Please join us for the March PTO / Site Council meeting
in the Eisenhower Library.

Yearbook forms were sent home with students at the beginning of the month.
Orders are due Thursday, March 2.
Cost is $17.00
To order send correct cash or check payable to Eisenhower Elementary School
Call the office at 620-332-1854 if you have questions

Just a reminder that there will be no deliveries to the school for students on valentines day.

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 15 and Thursday February 16th. School will dismiss at 12:45 on both those days.
There is no school Friday, February 17.

We want to give a big SHOUT OUT to our awesome counselor, LaDonna Erbe. Mrs. Erbe is a huge supporter of students and staff at Eisenhower. This year she has been working with more students in small groups. She does everything with a smile and a huge heart. WE APPRECIATE YOU MRS. ERBE!

A meeting for Site Council & PTO will be held in the Eisenhower Library on Thursday, Jan 12th. All parents are welcome to attend.

Have a Safe and Fun Neewollah!

First graders on their way to the Pumpkin Patch

Break A Leg to our Eisenhower family members performing in this weekend's production of Peter Pan for Neewollah.
Music Teacher, John Gray is Mr. Darling and cast as "Tinks" are Emma Henderson (K), Madison Patry (K), Evie Dixon (K) and Ella Sollenberger (1).
We are proud of you!

We were treated to delicious soups, sides & desserts this evening.
Crock pots are washed & in the office to be picked up tomorrow :)

Eisenhower Picture Day is in 1 week
Flyers will be sent home on Thursday.
You can order online at